Directions to my office: my office is at 1247 Washington Road Rye NH, Rear Entrance Unit 26. GPS is often misleading as the entire plaza at the corner of Route 1 and Washington Road in Rye is 1247 Washington Road. When you turn onto Washington Road from Route 1 look for the 3rd driveway on the left, ¼ mile from the set of lights at Route 1 and across Washington Road from the entrance to the condos on the opposite corner. Turn into that driveway, between Rye Country Day and Breakfast Hill Chiropractic, and pull into the main part of the parking lot. Then look for the Double French Doors at the top of 5 steps, my name is on a sign next to those doors. Inside those doors, go right down the hall and my office is the first office on the left. Pictures are on my website at and if you need any help finding me you can call or text me at 603-706-0963 and I will help you find me, it’s usually easier the second time but sometimes people end up at the wrong building the first time they come to look for my office.

Rye Therapeutic Massage

1247 Washington Rd, Unit 26, Rye, NH, 03870

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